If your pond or lake needs a makeover, call us at (585) 335-9299 to set up an on-site consultation. Since no two ponds are the same; a consultation allows us to analyze current issues with your pond and determine the most environmentally sound and cost-efficient management plan. Consultation fees start at $50, depending on the distance.
If you find these species of plants in your pond or lake, contact A-TIP Control today. We have been removing invasive plants and weeds for over 30 years.
We offer a wide array of different chemical treatment options, and will find the perfect product for your particular needs. Our team at A-TIP Control is fully trained and licensed to apply herbicides and algaecides safely and properly. When used properly, these products will not hurt you, your family, or the environment and can often be the best line of defense against an unruly pond. We use chelated copper rather than copper sulfate in our treatments, which gives longer control with less environmental impact. We combine naturally occurring biological additives with our chelated copper treatments to speed up the decomposition of decaying algae.
Eurasian Water Milfoil is an invasive plant introduced to the US from Europe and Asia in the 1940s. It begins its growth in the spring; earlier than most native plants. This allows it to shade out the native plants and prevent them from growing. Milfoil can easily spread through a body of water, forming dense mats of vegetation that make recreation unpleasant or unsafe, if left untreated. There are several other varieties of native milfoil that we can provide control for.
Water Chestnut is an invasive species introduced to the US from Asia in the 1800s. It poses a serious ecological threat in the Northeast, where it is becoming more widespread. Once introduced to a body of water it can spread very rapidly; forming dense mats that block sunlight from entering the water. In addition it can make boating and swimming impossible. If left untreated, it can drastically reduce oxygen levels and can kill the fish population in your body of water.
Hydrilla is an invasive aquatic plant introduced to the US from Asia in the 1950s. Similar to other invasive aquatic plants, it has the ability to grow quickly and form dense mats; blocking sunlight and outcompeting other native vegetation.
Curlyleaf Pondweed is a non-native invasive plant introduced into the US from Asia in the mid-1800s. It has since been reported in almost every state in the country. It is extremely tolerant of low light and low temperatures, allowing it to easily establish itself as the dominant plant species in a water body. In addition to forming dense mats of vegetation, it also raises phosphorus levels in the water which leads to increased algae blooms.
Often referred to as “pond scum,” duckweed is actually many tiny clover like plants that float near the surface of a body of water. Duckweed occurs in still waters and forms a green coating on the water surface as it spreads. If not treated, it will often cover the entire water surface.
Watermeal is another plant, like duckweed, that is commonly referred to as pond scum. It is also a free-floating plant common in still and stagnant water, but is much smaller than duckweed. Watermeal germinates all year round, and can easily cover an entire pond. Duckweed and watermeal are often found growing together on the same water body.
Water Lilies are often planted purposely for aesthetic reasons in ponds and lakes; many varieties feature large, colorful flowers when in bloom. As lilies spread they can become problematic in a body of water, with the issues eventually outweighing the aesthetic benefits. Water lilies have sturdy pads and coarse root systems, which can make boating through thick mats of lilies nearly impossible and swimming very unsafe.
Herbicides are chemicals used to control aquatic weeds, including submerged underwater plants, emergent plants protruding from the water, or floating plants on the water’s surface. Herbicides can be used to restore a water body that has been taken over by unsightly mats of aquatic vegetation; giving you the freedom to boat, swim, or simply enjoy the aesthetics of your water body.
Algaecides are chemicals that specifically targets and controls algae. Algae are one of the most common aquatic problems; typically a result of an unbalanced ecosystem where nutrient content has been elevated and oxygen levels reduced
Biological treatment options work by adding a naturally occurring biologic agent to your water body. These biologic products remove excess nutrients, which is the cause of many water problems, from the water column. They can also reduce the organic material or “muck” on the bottom of your lake or pond. The use of these products can help to reduce the growth of algae over time. Please note that biologic products do not kill or control algae.
We offer a variety of seasonal maintenance programs for water bodies that require continuous upkeep throughout the season; a perfect choice for golf courses, resorts, homeowners and lake associations, and even private homeowners. Ongoing maintenance is the best way to keep your lake or pond looking its absolute best all season long.
Our seasonal maintenance programs typically run from May 1st through September 1st with the option to extend into the fall if needed. We offer several different maintenance packages; each one includes all herbicides, algaecides, and colorants in the price.
A certified applicator will visit your lake or pond every two weeks throughout the season, performing applications as needed to keep your pond looking its best all season. This is the best option for golf courses, resorts, or anywhere with a troublesome body of water.
A certified applicator will visit your body of water once every month, performing applications as needed. The homeowner maintenance package is a great option for a pond that requires regular maintenance, but may not have major issues.
One herbicide application and two algaecide applications performed during the season. Colorant can also be applied at the time of application. It’s the best option for pond management on a budget.
A certified applicator will visit your lake or pond monthly, applying natural bacteria as needed to improve the water quality and reduce muck buildup on pond floor. No algaecides or herbicides are used in this treatment program, but colorant can be used as needed.
We also offer a biological product package for the do-it-yourself homeowner. Please check out our ONLINE STORE to see package options.
Adding a fountain or aerator can be one of the best ways to upgrade your lake or pond. Fountains and aeration systems provide a multitude of benefits to your water body; improving water quality, heightening habitat value for fish and wildlife, decreasing algae blooms, and adding aesthetic value. Adding a fountain or aeration system to a body of water is a proactive management technique. Rather than treating the problem once it has occurred, it can help fix the underlying cause of issues within your water body. We offer many different options for fountains and aerators, and can provide you with the perfect setup for your pond or lake. We can handle all aspects of installation and maintenance for the systems we provide. All our fountains and aerators come with a warranty, guaranteeing they will serve you for years to come.
A fountain is a device that will “launch” water into the air, causing an attractive cascade of water. Fountains are available in several spray patterns, can have colored lights attached, and can be set up on a timer system. Fountains will add movement to a still body of water, which prevents mosquitos from using it as a breeding ground.
An aerator is very similar to a fountain, but does not create the same conspicuous cascade of water. Aerators churn water near the surface, creating an area of turbulence that adds air to the water and breaks the surface tension.
Diffusers are a less visible method of creating movement in a water body. Diffusers sit on the floor of the lake or pond, and release air that bubbles up and gently breaks the surface. Diffusers provide many of the same benefits as fountains, but are much more inconspicuous. Adding oxygen to the water column with a diffuser will improve the water quality. They can also reduce the amount of “muck” on the bottom of your lake or pond. When used in conjunction with a biologic agent, diffusers are extremely successful at reducing muck.
A de-icer is a submerged device that creates movement in the water, preventing your lake or pond from freezing over. By preventing ice over, you can eliminate fish kills that may typically occur in the winter. A deicer is also a great option if you have a permanent dock, as it keeps an area open around the dock. For those who enjoy wildlife viewing, having open water in the winter will entice birds, geese, and aquatic mammals to your lake or pond.
A-TIP Control offers pond and lake mapping using our state of the art sonar mapping program. We can provide you with fully accurate bathymetric maps of your lake or pond; showing you everything from depth profiles to weed density. Our top of the line mapping system is a great aid when applying for restricted use permits.
We also provide complete water analysis for your lake or pond. We can discover the underlying cause of problems with your water body. This allows us to find the best long term solution to restore your lake or pond. We can provide analysis data on algae growth, nutrients loads, and general water quality.
For private communities, golf courses, lake associates, and more, it’s important that you keep your green space looking beautiful.
At A-TIP Control, our team of highly trained applicators has the knowledge and experience to eliminate invasive aquatic and terrestrial plant species, while maintaining a beautiful property.
Don’t let your property be overwhelmed by invasive plants, contact the experts today.
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